Applications of the CBD

Cannabidiol, or CBD, has gone from a little-known molecule to a very fashionable nutritional supplement in just a few years. The more time passes, the more popular it gains in popularity within the scientific community and the general public.

Since its legalization in the United States and then in Europe, cannabidiol oil has been the subject of much debate. Unlike THC, CBD does not cause addiction or psychotropic effects. It is these characteristics that make its consumption legal. It is important to note that hemp oil is not a drug and no medical claims can be made. The law specifies that no therapeutic virtue can be claimed by manufacturers or sellers of CBD products. Therefore, in our articles, we are only sharing with you the latest scientific studies on the subject, as well as testimonials from people using hemp oil and the effects it has had. Put on your sneakers !




The great therapeutic potential of CBD is the subject of intensive research. And more and more scientists are calling for more research to confirm its benefits. Today in the world, cannabidiol is used to treat addiction, anxiety disorders, inflammation, pain and nausea, but also in the fight against cancer. The various studies already carried out and fundamental research show that the potential of hemp oil is immense, and that there are still many avenues to be explored.


Hemp is a super food, it has been used in the human diet for thousands of years. Its balanced and nutrient-rich composition has made it little by little a star of the healthy diet. Discover why !


CBD has a calming effect on anxiety disorders and helps to better manage stress in daily life, as several studies have shown. When hard times are inevitable, CBC can be a valuable ally !


Known for its relaxing and non-sedating properties, CBD is used in medicine to combat depression and anxiety. It helps to better manage emotions, pain, memory, and concentration.


Although studies on humans are still scarce, their results indicate that the potential of cannabidiol to combat dependence on nicotine, cocaine, opiates and alcohol. A Brazilian study even suggests that CBD could prevent relapses of addiction.

Body care

If hemp seduces more and more the cosmetic industry, it is not by chance. Its seed is a small cosmetic bomb. Rich in essential fatty acid omega 3 and 6, overflowing with vitamins (A, B1, B3, B4, B6, E...) and minerals, it is the ideal ally of your skin and hair.


CBD and sport, the beginning of a great love story under the sign of naturalness! Since hemp oil has been approved by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and FIFA, athletes have been replacing ibuprofen and opioids with CBD. With CBD, recovery is faster and inflammation is reduced. Put on your sneakers !