CBD oil

CBD oil is made from hemp. It provides many benefits, for health, and allows many people to improve their lives every day. Whatever your reason for choosing to consume CBD oil, we will guide you, so that you can understand everything about the effects of CBD, but also make the right choice between the different CBD oils that exist on the market.

CBD oil


Hemp, with its scientific name Cannabis Sativa, is a plant that has accompanied mankind for thousands of years. Some scientists believe that hemp was the first plant domesticated by humans around 2900 BC. Cannabis Sativa had several uses, its fibers were used to make ropes and clothes, its flowers were used in medicine for their health effects, the nourishing seeds allowed to produce a hemp oil rich in nutrients (but without CBD, because the seeds do not contain any). Over the millennia, new uses were discovered, and a multitude of hemp-based products were created in different industries:

  • Food industry : Hemp seeds and oils are consumed for their nutritional benefits. The composition of the seeds is ideal, as they are rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals. Their balance between omega 3 and 6, can protect the heart and arteries.
  • Cosmetic industry : Cannabis Sativa oil is known for its exceptional regenerative and moisturizing effects on the skin, many beauty products contain it.
  • Construction industry : Hemp is a natural and ecological insulation product thanks to its fibers. France has recently innovated by filing several patents for ecological concrete made from this plant.


Hemp is great for humans and the planet, its many uses, and the fact that its cultivation requires very little or no phytosanitary products makes this plant, which can be found all over the world, a definite asset for the future of humanity.


Cannabinoids, or phytocannabinoids (from the plant world), are a group of substances discovered in the early thirties, including CBD, THC, CBN, CBG, etc.

The first of the cannabinoids discovered was CBN, in 1932, followed by cannabidiol (CBD) in 1940, then the famous THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) in 1942. In the cannabis plant (hemp) the numerous phytocannabinoids (146) are found in the trichomes (glands) of the female flowers. Some phytocannabinoids stand out for their effects (beneficial or not) on the body.

Before CBD took its place, THC was the cannabinoid most known by the general public. THC is naturally the phytocannabinoid most present in recreational cannabis (Cannabis Indica), and it is the substance responsible for the psychotropic effects (euphoric, and disinhibiting), which earned cannabis its bad reputation, and its prohibition in most countries in the world.

CBN, or cannabinol, is less known than CBD (cannabidiol), or THC, yet it has many benefits. CBN is not found naturally in the fresh plant, but it is derived from the degradation of THC by air and light. It could have interesting effects on health, notably on the reduction of inflammation, the regulation of sleep disorders, and appetite, as well as bone growth. At the moment these claims are not yet fully proven, and they will have to be proven by the results of ongoing laboratory research. But something tells us, that in a few years we will hear a lot more about CBN.

CBG, or cannabigerol, is a cannabinoid found in hemp in small concentrations. It is considered to be the precursor of other cannabinoids (CBD, THC, CBN, etc.), so it is thanks to it that the synthesis of other cannabinoids is possible. It is interesting for its effects on the body and in association with CBD can do small miracles on the management of pain, inflammation, anxiety, stress, sleep, and in neuronal protection.

CBD oil


CBD, or cannabidiol, is the star of the large family of cannabinoids. It is sought after for its many health benefits, and unlike THC does not present any risk of addiction. It is usually consumed in the form of CBD oil in a bottle that can vary in concentration, but it is also available in other forms of products, such as gums, balms or capsules. CBD is mainly used to act on :

  • CBD & pain

In 2019 a study, highlighted the pain relieving effects of CBD. The cannabidiol, was as effective as a conventional painkiller used to treat pain. The cannabidiol molecule (CBD) has virtues against all forms of pain in humans and animals.

  • CBD & inflammation

Several research findings have shown that CBD naturally has significant anti-inflammatory properties. These effects are particularly interesting for people suffering from generalized or localized inflammation, because they can manage muscle or joint pain effectively over the long term.

  • CBD & stress and anxiety

A study published in 2013, and conducted on 2 groups of 24 patients suffering from anxiety showed the anxiolytic effects of CBD, even when the dose was low. The CBD thus makes it possible to fight the anxiety, and the states of pronounced stress. Researchers believe that it could also help combat post-traumatic stress, panic attacks, and OCD.

  • CBD and sleep

Another study released in 2013 showed the effect of CBD on sleep. Cannabidiol increased total sleep time, quality, and depth.

How does CBD work ?

All mammals, and therefore the human being have in their body many systems such as the cardiovascular, nervous or gastric system. But there is one, much less known called the endocannabinoid system.

Research results indicate that the endocannabinoid system (ECS) is involved in the regulation of inflammation, appetite, pain, anxiety, metabolism, but also in brain plasticity, etc.

It consists of :

  • Cannabinoid receptors present everywhere in the body including the brain and the nervous axis, but also on many cells of the immune system. These receptors are called: CB1 and CB2, TRVP 1 and 2, as well as GPR 18, 55, and 119.
  • The ECS synthesizes, including in the brain of endocannabinoids anandamide, which bind to cannabinoid receptors mentioned above.
  • Certain enzymes will break down the endocannabinoids, once they have become useless.

The deregulation of this system is associated with physiopathological situations. Doctor Russo, a cannabis specialist, even talks about chronic cannabinoid deficiency. The contribution of external cannabinoids such as CBD, CBG, CBN, etc. thus allows to support the endocannabinoid system.

How is CBD made ?

CBD oil requires a certain amount of care so that its little drops bring you everything you need, depending on what you are looking for, better sleep, stress and anxiety reduction, or pain relief. Once harvested, the first step will be to extract the CBD from the hemp flowers (cannabis sativa). There are mainly 3 extraction techniques, each one having an impact on the final quality of the products:

  • CBD extraction with vegetable oil : Cannabidiol is extracted from the flowers with a vegetable oil, such as hemp oil, sesame oil, or olive oil. The CBD will then benefit from the nutritional quality of the chosen vegetable oil. This method does not offer an optimal yield, and the product obtained contains little CBD.
  • Solvent extraction : This low cost method is used to extract CBD from various solvents, such as isopropyl alcohol, propane, butane, or ethanol. Its main defect, and not the least, is that it often leaves traces of these products in the final solution. Our opinion is very unfavorable, and we do not recommend these products.
  • Supercritical CO2 extraction : This proven and costly method has been used since the early 1980s in the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries to extract molecules from plants. It allows to isolate, and to take with care, the necessary molecule(s) while keeping all their properties. The low temperature during the operation protects those that are sensitive to heat such as phytocannabinoids (CBD, CBG, etc.), and terpenes. The quality of the oil obtained by this process is incomparable in quality, because the product is rigorously pure. This is the only method we recommend.

The CBD oil

Once the CBD, and the other phytocannabinoids are extracted, they are placed on a carrier oil so that they can be consumed more easily, and be protected. The carrier oil plays an important role in the bioavailability of CBD, which is why we always recommend choosing products that are based on MCT (medium chain triglyceride) coconut oil. MCT oil is naturally rich in medium chain fatty acid triglycerides. The shorter structure of these fatty acids, compared to other oils, allows a better absorption of CBD by the digestive tract. It is therefore the MCT coconut oil, preferably organic, that we recommend as a support for your CBD oil.


How to choose your CBD oils ?

You want to buy CBD in France or in another country, in front of all the items offered, how to choose? Organic, THC-free, broad spectrum, or full spectrum, these are terms that for most of us do not mean much. So let's try to make sense of it. We now know that it is important to choose a product extracted by CO2, and that the base of the CBD oil must be MIT Coconut oil, here are the other important points to watch out for :

Be aware of the origin of hemp

CBD, is derived from the flowers of the Cannabis Sativa plant. To buy high quality CBD, look at its origin:

  • In what country or region of the globe is it grown? Depending on the cultivation code in force, harmful pesticides may or may not be used.
  • What is the quality of the soil in which the plant is growing? If the soil is rich, then the plant will produce beautiful flowers rich in CBD.
  • Is CBD organic ? Hemp is a soil purifier, so any products that might be used during the growth of the plant must be organic, so as not to pollute it.

Choose a broad spectrum product

We find today in France, and in the world a multitude of CBD oils. Do not fall into the marketing trap by falling for a product in promotion whose price is cut in half. Be attentive, and always look if your CBD oils are with broad spectrum, you will then be able to benefit fully from the famous effect of entourage. Much sought after in herbal medicine, the entourage effect refers to the synergy of all the elements found in the plant (Cannabis Sativa), CBD, CBG, CBN, CBC etc., but also terpenes and flavonoids. This set guarantees the best therapeutic effects.


With all these good tips you are ready to buy the CBD oil that is right for you. Here is our reminder of the points to check :

  • The amount in milligrams or grams of CBD per serving and per day.
  • The origin of the hemp or flowers (France, USA, or other regions of the world)
  • The nature, is the product organic ?
  • Is the carrier oil MIT coconut oil?
  • The extraction method, Supercritical CO2 ?
  • Is the oil broad spectrum or not?