CBD, overweight and obesity in cats

As in humans, overweight and obesity are increasingly common problems in pets, and cats are no exception. Overweight and obesity is an excessive accumulation of body fat, which can be unhealthy. Complications caused by too much weight are multiple (diabetes, osteoarthritis, heart and respiratory problems). Let's see together what steps to take so that your cat regains an ideal weight for his health, and how CBD oil (cannabidiol) can help you in this process.CBD, Overweight & Obesity


What is overweight ?

Overweight and obesity, are an excessive accumulation of body fat, harmful to health. Overweight is defined as overweight of 10% of the reference weight, obesity will be characterized above 20%. It is much more difficult to measure fat mass in cats than in humans. The estimate is therefore based on 4 factors:

  • 1) The examination of the animal's silhouette. Not always obvious in cats, because fat deposits are different from those of dogs.
  • 2) The weighing. In order to verify the weight according to known references (breed, sex, etc.)
  • 3) The body condition index, calculated according to several scales, the best known being the SHAPE (Size, Health & Physical Evaluation).
  • 4) The percentage of body fat, calculated from the Feline Body Mass Index. It is from these results that the veterinarian will be able to set up, with the cat's owner, a dietary strategy aimed at reducing the animal's weight.

The effects of excess weight in cats

Overweight or obese cats are much more prone to certain serious diseases, which can reduce their life expectancy. The most common diseases found in overweight or obese animals are :

  •  Diabetes
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Joint pain
  • Dermatological conditions
  • Lipidosis of the liver
  • Hormonal problems
  • Decreased life expectancy

In France, according to several studies, about 30% of cats are overweight or obese (Colliard L et al. 2009).

Why does a cat gain weight?

Several factors can promote weight gain in animals. When we offer our cat more calories than it expends during the day, then the excess calories will be stored as fat. A diet that is too rich, or that does not respect the cats' eating habits, as well as insufficient physical activity will promote weight gain. Other factors can also be involved, such as certain diseases, castration, stress, etc.

How can you help your cat regain his weight ?

Are you ready to do everything in your power to help your cat regain full health? Then a little patience, because it is recommended to aim for a weight loss goal of approximately 1% of the initial weight per week. This very progressive rhythm allows the cat's stomach to get used to a smaller amount of food in terms of calories or quantity, or both. Here are 4 areas to focus on.

  • Cats' eating habits mean that they prefer a multitude of small meals spread over 24 hours, rather than 2 or 3 larger meals. A large number of scattered meals allows your companion to always be satiated.
  • Adapted kibbles. Some brands offer low-calorie kibbles that are rich in protein and fiber. They have the advantage of allowing the cat to maintain its muscles thanks to the protein, but also to keep it full thanks to the fiber. You can also add some green vegetables rich in fiber, such as beans, cucumbers, zucchini, cut into small pieces and mixed with the croquettes.
  • Some movement. If your cat lives in an apartment and has no outside access, he will naturally tend to be less active. Therefore, offer him many toys that you will renew regularly so that he doesn't get tired of them. Play with him, and you'll both have a great time.
  • CBD (cannabidiol), a few drops of CBD oil every day, will reduce your cat's appetite and strengthen his health.

CBD appetite reduction and weight loss

CBD (cannabidiol) is a member of the cannabinoid family of substances found in industrial hemp (Cannabis Sativa), and more generally in cannabis. You surely know another famous cannabinoid, THC, whose consumption is prohibited because it is psychotropic. Cannabidiol (CBD) does not make you "high", its sale and consumption are legal since 2018. Indeed, CBD has an impressive therapeutic potential, and is therefore the subject of many studies, including the following ones on our subject:

  • A 2012 study (GW Pharmaceuticals), shows that CBD (cannabidiol) significantly reduces the amount of food ingested in animals.
  • According to other studies (Farrimond 2012, Ignatow Ska-Jankowska 2011, and Scopinho 2012) CBD has great potential in the treatment of obesity and overweight.
  • In 2010, a study shows that the effects of CBD reduce weight gain in animals. (Skajankowska)